Disclaimer: The following is entirely fictional. It’s comedy.
I have truth trolled some antifa bitches and they’re so cartoonishly stupid that I'd feel sorry for them were it not for the fact that they’re sick, toxic people with bad intentions.
I am Justin Trouble the Truth Troll for a reason. Truth trolling is an art, as is pranking in general, but truth trolling is a special kind of prank wherein the joke is on the wrong and the punchline is the truth. The aim is to identify people who are wrong in either or both senses of the word, people who have been fooled and/or have been fooling themselves and/or others and/or have just been playing dumb but know better and just don't want to be confronted with the truth they already know on some level.
It is artfully tricking the mark into seeing that they were wrong. Sometimes it involves fooling them into telling you things that, for their own sake, they should have left unsaid. Sometimes they may be lying, but are incriminating themselves either way. Sometimes they may be telling you the truth in which case, it is a special kind of truth troll in which they reveal the truth while you trick them into learning the greater truth.
In 2017, for example, I truth trolled the senior advisor of the Mayor or Berkeley into incriminating herself in the process of trying to cover for both her local police and antifa. She saved me the trouble of some investigating when she volunteered some self-incriminating info. Thanks, idiot!
Also, thanks to an other idiot - Melissa “Claudio” Lewis for saving me some investigation time by just telling me she took part in the attack on some families in a park on August 7th, 2021, including children, “POCs”, “POC” children, including a baby! Moron, I mean, more on her ahead.
Also, thanks to the self-incriminating half-wit sociopath Aisha for confirming that she too took part in the terrorism of that day. Thanks, also, for letting on that there’s infighting among you, as we shall see.

Aisha Shah presents herself as an antifa1 journalist and she uploads content under the moniker Free Our Mind News. She uploaded a certain video of an incident and then removed it, but not before someone ripped it and uploaded it to the Youtube channel Mary Todd2.
Her video is included in the following video.
I emailed her…
Hello. I noticed that one of your videos on your channel was removed. It was video from Aug 7th. Can you tell me why that video has been removed? Thanks.
She responded…
Thanks for the inquiry. If you are referring to my video taken from the Portland counter-protest titled, 'Portland Antifa Blocks Anti-Gay, Pro-Life Pastor,' I had to remove it for security issues.
May I ask why you are curious about that particular video?
I replied…
Yes, of course. I am putting together a report about the incident. I am anti fascist, so I want to report on fascist events. Can you tell me what the video showed and why you had to remove it for security concerns? Thanks.
She answered…
Well if you claim to be an anti-fascist, it makes me question why you're making a 'report on fascist events' that involve anarchists. I don't share information about comrades to random people I don't know. Do you live in the Portland area? Perhaps we can meet in person.
I responded…
I do not understand. I want to report on a fascist event to expose fascism and make more people aware of what they are doing. I am not asking you to give any private information. In fact, I request that you do not give me any private info. I suppose that you removed the video because it showed a comrades face or something? If so, do not divulge whose face(s) were accidentally filmed. If it was for some other reason(s), please tell me without giving anything confidential away. Thank you.
She snapped back…
Security issues with my videos aren't any of your business. I fight fascism as well, which is why I was there at the event to record it. Maybe if you were there as well, 'documenting fascists events,' as you put it, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. May I ask who you were planning on sending your 'report' to?
I replied…
OK, well I asked and you answered. Fair enough. Thanks.
Yes, I would have liked to have been there. It would have required more money than I have and a job that would let me take off work for a few days. Besides, as a member of the Blackfoot tribe, my religion does not allow me to comply with all the rules one has to follow to travel by plane.
Yes, of course you can ask. I do not plan to send it to anyone. The corporate media almost always lies so I do not want to work with them. I have my own new blog that other members of my tribe contribute to at times. .
New question - It has been reported that fascists have pressured you to remove the video because it showed them assaulting anti-fascists. Is that true?
After 9 days without a reply, I got impatient and emailed her…
I have been in contact with some people who are against fascism who are very interested in this video you made that shows you and your fellow white fascists using threats/violence against some innocent POCs, including black children and an 8 month old baby in attempt to prevent those POCs from exercising their civil rights. They want to know more about you and your fellow white fascist terrorists.
You may have erased your video but not before copies were made and distributed. You can also be seen participating in these racist attacks on civil rights from a few different cameras. Aisha, look into your heart and do the right thing. Redeem yourself or you will be made an example of.
Aisha replied…
Hahaha, go fuck yourself dude! And nice story you tried to spin! I could smell your bullshit through my cellphone though. You're the fascist pig who thinks I'm stupid enough to work with you. I don't give a fuck how many fake priests you find to promote your racist ideals and political agendas, I will fight against ALL forms of hate and fascism. You're entitled to your freedom of speech, however Antifa also has the right to fight hate speech on ever platform, in all ways they see fit. I'm just the journalist recording the fight.
In regards to the children, I was simply recording that day and did not see any children at the time of arrival, especially a small baby. I would suggest parents who have the best intentions for their children's safety would think twice about bringing them to a so-called 'Christian' rally, where they know a notorious Proud Boy will be present. It's common knowledge that antifa targets PB's every time they come to Portland, and if they don't know that, they're very stupid. I don't know what you want from me dude. So fuck off.
I replied with…
You are literally on video helping white fascists physically attack peaceful POCs including kids, psychopath.
In your video, it is clearly seen that you SAW the children, the black children and the baby carriage you lying racist white fascist sociopath. Everyone can see that you saw the kids. Everyone can hear the adults pleading with you to stop attacking the children. It's very clear. You are not fooling anyone, stupid.
…as well as…
BTW, it's funny as fuck that you are proud of yourself for being helping white terrorist fascists to attack peaceful families of different colors in the park. It's all on record now. Thanks, idiot.
Hey, I dare you to blame your victims and say they were asking for it. Oh wait. You already did that.
OK well, I dare you to claim you're just a journalist there to film stuff and not totally on the side of the white terrorists attacking black families. Oh wait, you already did that too.
OK well, I dare you to say that you couldn't see the children of color and the baby you attacked. I dare you.
Her response…
I take it you're done pretending to be from the 'Blackfoot tribe' then hahaha?? I'm only half white dumbass, so the racist dick now? And I did nothing but hold up a camera. I took the vid down as soon as my comrades told me they had a problem with it. I did NOT see any children present until after I reviewed my footage and they were gone within minutes. I saw ONE POC present, who appeared near the end of my footage.
If there's anyone who fits the "white terrorist/fascist" card in this scenario, it's the fucking Proud Boys!! Are you delusional?? Enrique Tario, who was present at the rally, turned Himself in for burning a BLM flag, which represents People of Color in this country, you crazy hypocrite! Karma is literally a pain in the ass for him now!!
Go ahead and try to tell your terrorist friends whatever story you think they'll believe, idgaf. In the meantime, why don't you pull up that pic of your favorite dictator, Trump, and go fuck yourself, loser! Thanks for watching my channel too! Always appreciate feedback from fans!!🖕🏽🖕🏽
After studying and reporting on the incident in depth, I have to say that her claim that Enrique Tarrio was present is bizarre. My best guess is that she is confusing the Proud Boys with Patriot Prayer and Enrique Tarrio with Joey Gibson.
I replied…
I am not sure why you assume that I am lying about anything when everything I am saying is factually correct as the record proves and when you have been lying as the record proves. I was sincere, honest and accurate when I wrote to you that I am against fascists and concerned that the fascists present used violence to deny people their civil rights. That is, in fact, what happened in reality as seen from multiple angles (despite your self-censorship in submission to your fellow fascists). I love how you are somehow pleased with yourself for figuring out that I am not pro-antifa but rather against you fascists. Maybe someone should give you a trophy for not being totally oblivious. Now, if only you could become intelligent and good enough to realize that fascism is wrong, even if you call it the opposite of what it is. Orwell saw what you people did, which is why, in his predictive dystopian novel "1984", he has you people calling things the exact opposite of what they really are. Rather than heeding the warnings of that book, you applied the fascist tactics that the Party uses in that book (which was modelled after what the communists did).
The people you attacked are against fascism (Italian fascism, Spanish fascism, the National Socialism of Nazi Germany, the international socialism of the USSR and the CCP, etc). The people you attacked were unarmed families of different colors. Despite your lies, your video shows that you could clearly see them and that you heard people shouting to you about the children. Yes, the children were taken away because you would not stop attacking them and exposing them to harmful airborne stuff.
* Ahem * Since you seem to be very slow on the uptake, I probably have to repeat that last bit of irony as it likely went over your head. Maybe this time you will get it. Here it comes;
You exposed adults and kids of different colors to harmful airborne stuff developed by the military-industrial complex (that you claim to oppose but whom you act as de facto enforcers for) because, you fear (because the establishment programmed you to fear), that those people potentially could expose others to harmful airborne stuff developed by the military-industrial complex (who you claim to oppose but whom you act as de facto enforcers for) by exercising their rights to gather in public, to associate with whom they want to, to enjoy freedom of speech and to not cover their faces with masks that come with labels that say that they do not offer protection from viruses or allow themselves to be injected with potentially harmful chemicals developed by companies that are being sued for knowingly giving adults and babies cancer with their products.
You and your comrades who attacked the actual anti-fascists are clearly against the civil rights, the constitutional rights, the human rights of the people you attacked, the people you pretend to defend (people of color, age-challenged people, women, etc.).
Clearly, you are hate-filled, human-rights-opposing, fascist, racists who crawled out of your soft, spoiled, pampered, economically privileged little self-serving bedrooms to take advantage of an insane social climate wherein you have the chance of violently attacking people of color, kids, old ladies, etc and not only of being allowed by the state and the police to do so, but also applauded by their propaganda machine (the mainstream media) for doing so. You're racist, hate-filled, ageist, ableist, sexist, misogynistic, child-attacking, lying, sociopathic, virtue-signalling scum.
You're clearly antifa. You have made it as clear as possible. The proof that you have posted yourself has been archived.
You're on video clearly engaging in terrorism by definition. That's also archived.
You used threats/violence with the aim of forcing people (including members of marginalized groups) to meet your political demands (in this case, the demand is that (certain) people do not engage in freedom of speech, freedom of association, or freedom of assembly). In other words, you violate people's (equal) rights with terrorism.
In your clearly expressed binary view of the political compass, you clearly have hateful intolerance of (and use threats/violence to demand submission from) people of all colors, age groups, orientations, identities, ability status, etc. of any/all political views other than the unofficial authoritarian/collectivist extreme that antifa necessarily and inevitably embodies by the very fact that it is a collection of people literally acting not as official agents of the government nor as individuals but as a mob using threats/violence against people for political aims.
You used threats/violence with the aim of depriving people (including members of marginalized groups) of their rights and in so doing you acted as de facto enforcers for the authoritarian/collectivist State, however unwittingly.
You're own video clearly demonstrates that you and your fellow black bloc could see no Proud Boys present (including Enrique Tarrio - who is obviously not white and privileged like you are) and that you could clearly see the children (some white, some clearly not) and see the baby carriage (that held the 8 month old baby) and that you could clearly hear people shout that those children were present. There was far more than one person of color present and we can all see clearly on video that you could all see the various adults of color and children of color that you were attacking. This fact is pointed out only because it underscores that you are lying hypocrites who do not protect POCs, but rather attack them and that you are accustomed to getting away with it (which, by definition, means that you are privileged) because of the unofficial protection you receive from the (corrupt) police that you claim to hate. You may be right about some of those police being racist, however, since they seem to have zero care about your victims of color and in fact blamed your victims by telling them to leave the area so that there would be no further trouble from you. It's probably more likely that they just don't care about fulfilling their oath and not that they care about the skin color of the people whose rights they fail to protect from your violence.
You clearly intentionally exposed those children and that baby to chemical weapons and explosives and you clearly did it on purpose. Obviously, an 8 month old baby has extremely sensitive respiratory, neurological, and endocrine systems, sensitive sinuses, glands, sensory apparatus and so on. You know that. What kind of inhuman monsters are you? Obviously, you would have turned Anne Frank over to the Nazis and attacked the people who tried to protect her from the likes of you.
Redeem yourself. Make it right.
After some time, I emailed her…
Aisha? Hello? You seem to have no human empathy for those children and no remorse for what you did. Why do you not view these people, these children as human? Is it because they are dark and you and your friends are light? Does Aneesa know about how you and your comrades intentionally assaulted some families peacefully gathered in a park trying to exercise their civil/constitutional/human rights while you filmed it? See, mothers tend to be outraged by any attack on children.
She responded…
The fuck do you want? Seriously? What the fuck do you want from me? Congratulations! You know how to Google my name! If you see 'Aneesa,' you can tell I said she can fuck off too. Get a life and leave me alone.
I replied with just this image…
She responded…
Congratulations! You know how to find a video uploaded by somebody else and take a screenshot! You're still a fucking idiot in my book. Please get a vasectomy and don't procreate. You'll be doing the world, and all women frankly, a huge favor!
I replied with this…
She answered..
Ok..., And? Idk what you expect me to say. Congrats, you know how to use a camera..? Are you really this bored dude? Go get a pen pal for chrissake!! You can probably even find a nice homophobic prison inmate to write to. I'm sure both of you will be stoked to finally have an audience to spew your ignorance and hate to.
Don't fucking write back unless it's INCREDIBLY important! Photos of a landscape do not count!!
I answered…
She snapped back…
You're sending me the exact same photos over and over again! Leave me the fuck alone or I'll have to block you.
My response was…
You took this video. You saw the baby stroller and the black children and you attacked them, racist terrorist fascist.
Why do you hate POCs, racist? Why do you hate black babies, psychopath? Why do you hate peaceful people exercising their human rights, fascist? Why did you attack black babies and children, Nazi? Why did you attack peaceful people of various colors, terrorist? Why do you call yourself "anti-fascist" when you are clearly a fascist, racist terrorist? What makes you think you will get away with what you are guilty of committing, you racist, fascist, terrorist?
After some time, I shared this with her…
People are enjoying this very accurate meme about you.
She quipped…
Ha!! Meh, the tick tock meme was better IMO.
I wrote back…
What Tik Tok meme? Is it as good as the following meme that mocks your super-nasal voice that sounds like you speak through an elephant trunk? People have been saying that you sound like Tina Blecher, so, I made a little cartoon with your voice. Here's a screen shot.
She wrote….
The tick tock shouldn't be hard to find. And it definitely took more time/effort than this silly cartoon. I appreciate the effort tho. 👍🏼🖕🏽
I emailed her back…
No thanks, I don't use CCP spyware (Tik Tok). Anyway, it's clear that you think that your hate, violence and terrorism against BLACK CHILDREN is a laughing matter. That's now part of the record and that detail will be reported on just like the rest of it. You just don't get it, do you? You have been caught attacking black children and a baby (serious crimes resulting in serious prison time) and now you have been caught making light of it. We have your name, your face, your video record of the crimes, your social media, your channel, your website, and your comrades are turning on you in attempt to make themselves seem less guilty. For example, Melissa "Claudio" Lewis is not exactly loyal to you nor does she mind telling me about you. You will all be brought to justice. Everyone will know your face and name and know that you think attacking babies and children is good. I would imagine that some women in prison will not be very happy to share space with a racist terrorist who attacks children and babies. It's only a matter of time now. You're not exactly wise.
She eventually replied…
I've never been friends with Melissa Claudio actually. But I'm interested in the part where you say she doesn't mind "telling me about you." Has she exchanged any information with you? I don't peg you as her fan, so that's a little hard to believe.
…and I responded…
Yes, your suspicion is correct that Melissa is not a fan of mine. Yes, she gave me info. For example, I found out that she was there filing on August 7th in Portland because she told me so. She also confirmed your identity for me and confirmed that you were there filming as well. I'll gladly tell you more if you merely tell me, honestly and sincerely, why it is that you apparently think that what the black bloc did that day in that park was good and anti-fascist.
That was November 18th, 2021.
Melissa Lewis or “Claudio” fancies herself to be an antifascist and anarchist writer and videographer. Her pronouns are she/her and she accepts anonymous tips for The Claudio Report.
When a Samoan American who actually is against fascism was shot with a 9mm bullet by an antifa in Olympia, Washington on September 4th, she thought it was funny and helped to spread misinformation about it.

The tweet in the screenshot below seems to have been removed but is archived here.
Melissa has a friend Alissa Azar.
In the following video, after some men yell, “Mace her! Mace the female!”, Alissa obediently runs into the shot from the left to attack a seemingly unarmed female non-combatant with mace before she is pummeled with a little sexual equality.

According to Melissa, Alissa was taking “defensive action”.
Melissa deleted this tweet after a comrade asked her, “Why are you posting footage and identifying and tagging comrades?” but not before it was archived. Think about this for a moment - she says she is an anarchist videographer and when she is told by other antifa to not share a video, she obeys. What integrity! What an anarchist!
According to Antifa Watch, Melissa was there. The tweet below links to the tweet Melissa deleted that we saw above.

At any rate, notice that Melissa calls what you saw Alissa do in the video above “defensive action”.
If you remember, in 2019, antifa assaulted journalist Andy Ngo with fists and milkshakes with mixed with concrete. Melissa thinks this assault is funny, apparently.
She calls cold-blooded, premeditated murder by self-identified antifa “self defense”! She tweeted, in reference to Tiny being shot that day…

Michael Reinhoel was a self-identified antifa who murdered Aaron “Jay” Danielson with a gun and confessed to it while on the run. He was killed by law enforcement shortly after. He is now a martyr for antifa. In the video of the murder and in the security camera footage released afterwards, Danielson and his friend Chandler Pappas were walking through the city of Portland at night to some destination while Reinheol and a handful of others walked behind the unsuspecting pair. Reinheol ambushed Danielson. He snuck up close behind Danielson and Pappas and when Danielson turned around to face Reinheol, Reinheol shot Danielson dead.
Melissa says that is “self defense”. But it is common for antifa to blame their victims…
So it seems Melissa is not the best judge or the most honest or accurate journalist.
On September 4th, in Olympia, Washington, Alissa Azar, who is also supposedly a journalist, was with the antifa group that included the antifa who shot Tiny. Here she is with them where they started their “march” from Sylvester park.

Was Melissa among them too? See the woman right behind Alissa in this tweet…
At any rate, Alissa claims to have been assaulted after Tiny was shot and some blocks away, but admits there is no proof.

But Melissa wants you to know that it was hard for her to go through the pain of watching that happen on video.

In fact, it’s worse for her to have to watch it on video.

This photo seems to be a sore spot because of something having to do with something or whatever (sorry, but I couldn’t care enough to focus on it). But notice that she publicly tweeted the following photo of herself that she voluntarily posed for.

Melissa, who, as we saw, apparently has been told to remove her video so as to not incriminate fellow antifa, tweeted this in which she is telling others to not have incriminating video public and basically says that one of her fellow antifas shot tiny by tweeting that he is in a “Reinhoel situation”. If you recall, Reinhoel is the guy who shot Aaron “Jay” Danielson and then went into hiding as the authorities searched for him.

Tom Howie has taken note of that last tweet and the implications it carried.

Tom also notes Melissa’s blundering, bafoonerific nature.

In researching the incident in which Tiny was shot, I came across Melissa’s Twitter where she says she accepts anonymous tips for The Claudio Report. I sent Melissa the following email from September 26th…
Hi. I need help. Recently, some (white) fascists attacked some POC, including children. They posted video of it and quickly deleted it. I have an archive of the video, though. But the damn corporate media is ignoring it. I contacted lots of local media about it. They don't care. It's so frustrating! So now I am reaching out to what I like to call "people's media" or "street reporters". I just want people to know. I saw y the Claudio Report on Twitter. Can you help?
Anne Muslima
Melissa responded…
Yeah, absolutely. I’ll caution that my platform will likely stay in our echo chamber, but every once in a while something does break out. But ABSOLUTELY I will take it on. It sounds extremely important, and depending on how the video looks maybe we can even get some IDs. That can almost be better than attention, in some cases. Happy to help 😊
Stay dangerous,
Melissa LewisSent from ProtonMail for iOS
I replied…
Thank you so much. Yes, it is very important. The marginalized should be defended from fascists and racists. I mean, like, when society doesn't care about the safety of children of color, we have a white supremacist system!
OK so I am trying to upload the video to this email. It seems to be too large of a file. I may have to data-compress it or something.
In the mean time, I can send you a photo and name of one of their fellow fascists that I think is in the Olympia branch of their group, if you care.
Melissa wrote back…
I certainly do care. Let’s move forward
Stay dangerous,
Melissa LewisSent from ProtonMail for iOS
The following day, September 27th, I answered this email with…
Great, because everyone should care about black lives. Warning, the video made me cry so it's upsetting. Don't worry about the size of your platform. I will be sending the following to several independent journalists ("people's media"). One of them has about 23,000 subscribers. Everything below the line will be copy-and-pasted to all of you.
This footage was recorded and uploaded by Aisha Shah of "Free Our Mind News" on 08-07-21. It was subsequently removed from YouTube after Aisha's fellow fascists scorned her for recording their assault. Someone uploaded it to Rumble. Look close and you can see about 5 black children ranging from a baby in a stroller to a young teen, and some white kids too. You can hear people pleading with them to stop attacking the kids (with fire-works, eggs or maybe rocks, and toxic spray).
Below is a video that synchs the above video with other people's videos of the attack. It makes it much easier to see the children and adult POC.
Below is a photo of the attacker's fellow fascist in Olympia, WA. Like the fascist who filmed the first video above, she filmed some incriminating things on video but later removed the video because her fellow fascists told her to. Anyway, she is loyal to this group of fascists who attack POC, kids, elderly, differently-abled people, women, immigrants, LBGT people, and so on. She's an evil, racist, transphobic, homophobic, immigrant-hating, ableist, fascist who, along with her fellow fascists, use violence to deny people their human rights to gather, to engage in free speech and so on.
I have her real name, BTW.
Melissa replied…
Cool. Nice lead. And using a sexualized photo of me shows VERY good intent.
So as you know I was there, you undoubtedly saw photos of me. And it’s preposterous that you’re saying it didn’t get national coverage. It got massive coverage, on national news, that resulted in violence on portland streets the nights after.
I reviewed all available footage. All. It took hours. While people claimed children were sprayed, they factually were not. Not only that, I was there, and would have witnessed it. I will say they were scared by a large noise that took place behind the crowd (not thrown at the crowd), a flashbang. That was probably scary.
Aisha was not scorned for the video. She was “scorned” for treating people poorly and being a bully in another, unrelated circumstance.
I can venture you weren’t there, you’re just a reactionary. I was there, and I have the privilege to say so. You won’t believe my words but that’s fine.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa LewisSent from ProtonMail for iOS
Notice that she is complaining about a “sexualized photo” of her! A photo she posed for and shared publicly! More importantly, she incriminated herself and her comrades yet again! But wait! There’s more! On October 2nd, I wrote back…
Well, Jessica O'Connor says that you and Aisha Shah both hate POC and that is why you are ok with attacking peaceful black families trying to exercise their civil rights. Aisha tells me that she is trying to tell Alissa that you hate Middle Eastern people.
Melissa replied…
Well, given that Alissa is Syrian that seems far fetched. And as I was covering that event, I attacked no one.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa Lewis
On October 3rd, I responded…
You're white.
Also, if you were filming you would have the video to prove it.
To which Melissa replied…
I’m gonna guess you’re white too “Anne”, and if you say you’re not, I think you’re lying.
I wasn’t filming that day, but I DO have footage of the far right macing inside a Black family’s car. They had a toddler and a baby inside.
But none of that is gonna matter to you, Anne. You have your set beliefs and no amount of evidence will change your mind. You weren’t even there. The best evidence you have is “Jessica O’Connor said so”. Very compelling.
Have a great day, I won’t be wasting my time with someone who operates on someone named Jessica’s word alone. You’re a sheep.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa Lewis
I responded…
"footage of the far right macing inside a Black family’s car"?
Prove it.
The Black family there was maced, inside their car, by the far right. They were coming to attend a memorial service.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa Lewis
There’s more to these e-mails further below. But first, let it be known that Anne is not the only person truth-trolling Melissa. Quite the trickster, Haley Adams trolled Melissa! You see, the image that Haley tweeted is apparently that of Melissa in “flight” you could say. Hence the, “I believe I can fly”.

It seems Melissa got caught up in a scandal involving Luis the Leftist, one of the most famous faces of antifa.
September 26, 5:12pm…

September 27th, 12:37am…

September 29th, 12:01am…

Back to the e-mail exchange. On October 4th, I wrote back to Melissa…
I am against the far-right (and the moderate right, and the center). We are anti-Proud Boys. We are anti-Trump. We are anti-fascist. You are not anti-fascist. We are.
There's a reason why we anti-fascists in Olympia do not like you and there's a reason why we don't like Aisha. Alissa is cool though. You can dress in all black like us, but you are not one of us.
We are against what you did in Portland on August 7th. You people pretended to be anti-fascist to frame us. You are a white person who helped other white people to attack unarmed and peaceful POC children and adults to stop them from exercising their human rights. If that isn't far-right, what is? As you admitted, you were there and you saw what was going on. Aisha filmed it for your sick viewing pleasure. You did nothing to stop your fellow terrorists. You are a racist, white, far-right terrorist. You are what you hate.
Melissa responded…
And no comment on the Black family that got maced, and somehow no comment on ALL that footage in Olympia in that clip? You can see in the video I linked to you how many times I’ve fought for people in “your” fucking city. With Alissa right beside me.
You are free to be against what happened in August, I didn’t fucking plan it. You’re not an Olympia anti fascist that utilizes black bloc. You don’t know who was there that day in bloc, that’s kind of the point. If you had ever been in bloc, you’d know that.
Alissa and I have only been apart in Olympia once.
Try your bullshit somewhere else.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa Lewis
..to which I replied…
Whether or not you planned the attack on those people is beside the point. You supported it then and supported it since then. You still do. You're a racist fascist.
What link? What clip? I have not received a link or a video of anything from you. But, obviously I am interested. Why do you think I care that you helped some fascists attack some POC children and adults, silly?
Some of your last e-mail doesn't make sense. I am not claiming to know who was there, silly racist fascist.
- Anne Syndicalist
It’s literally right here
I made a MAGA mega cut. This just shows an escalation from October onward. Anyone that feels surprised by what happened at the Capitol simply wasn’t paying attention. #Insurrectionists #MAGATerroristsYou’re a far right clown.
Stay dangerous,
Melissa Lewis
Like, it's literally not.
BTW, I did not mean to send that first photo of you that you did in fact pose for and did in fact present to the public of your own free will.
But I meant to send this photo of 2 people who, apparently for their own sick pleasure, documented the terrorization of peaceful people of different colors and different ages, including children of color ranging from 8 or 9 months old to about 15 years old who were exercising their civil rights.
Melissa Lewis & Aisha Shah
The above image was cropped from a still from a video by FranklyJamee, a mother who was there with her baby and her other young children.
…I also e-mailed Melissa…
You claim to have "footage of the far right macing inside a Black family’s car. They had a toddler and a baby inside." I am interested. Where is it?
You told me, "I wasn’t filming that day". Clearly you were.
The image in that last email was cropped from a still from a video by MackSavage. I then emailed Melissa..
Here's some of the people you attacked.
…and then…
I'm a far right clown?
* ahem *
You are part of a group of privileged white kids who used violence to prevent peaceful people of various colors (ranging in age from a baby to grandmothers) from exercising their human right to gather peacefully, their right to free speech, their right to be in a public park and their right to practice their religion. You are NOT anti-fascist. You are anti-human rights.
So pardon me if I am not exactly hurt by your judgement of me.
Become a good person,
Ongoing! Check back for updates. Last updated November 20, 2021.
∴ Hail the Great Trickster! ∴
Her Facebook links to her Free Our Mind News Youtube channel whereon she has a video titled “Take A Hike W/Antifa: Lower and Upper Horsetail Falls, OR!!” which is pretty much just her hiking. This Youtube channel also has a video titled, “Proud Boy Punches Fem in Oregon City!” which shows her comrade Alyssa attacking an unarmed woman and getting punched for it. In that video, you can here Aisha yelling anti-Proud Boy sentiments. She also has a video wherein she shows a series of license plates that supposedly belong to vehicles used by Proud Boys to arrive at some event Aisha filmed.
Todd, Mary - August 7 2021 - “Deleted Footage of Antifa Attack on Prayer Gathering in Portland (08-07-21)” - Description: “This footage was recorded and uploaded by Aisha Shah of "Free Our Mind News" on 08-07-21. It was subsequently removed from YouTube after Aisha's comrades scorned her for recording their assault.” - (Rumble)
Todd, Mary - August 9 (filmed August 7) 2021 - “New Angles Emerge from ANTIFA ATTACK on peaceful prayer gathering” - (Youtube)
Lol this is the most elaborate """"comedy"""" I've ever read! Good job man.
You seem like just the one I've been looking for!